Bed Bug

Bed Bug
Last NameCimex lectularius
Lengthup to 4 to 5 mm long or the size of an apple seed.
Soundsvarius lectus
Digestive tractleo vitae varius tincidunt

How to get rid of this?.To get rid of pest problem under control, inspection is the first and foremost step.

Microscopic dust mites are everywhere in the home – in our beds, clothing, furniture, book shelves and stuffed animals. For people with allergies or asthma, dust mites are a problem. Bedbugs are pests that thrive around human dwellings. They live on human blood for survival. They have received their name from its close association with human bedding. They generally hide in the seam of the mattress and in the cracks of the bed and feed on the bed’s occupants at night. If the population of bed bugs is very large it spreads in the entire house. The bedbugs may also hide in other pieces of furniture and cracks and crevices in the walls. They spread mainly by baggage and clothing of travelers and visitors, bedding material and furniture.

How to Control of this?.To get rid of pest problem under control, inspection is the first and foremost step.

The treatment is done by spraying insecticide, especially in the seams of mattresses, beds and all other places infested by bedbugs. The bedbugs die on contact with the insecticide. It takes about ½ hour to treat a house of about 750 sq.ft. As the eggs of bedbugs are resistant to chemicals, this treatment is repeated within a fortnight to treat the hatchlings. First treatment is completed then after you have to second treatment in 15 day to control beg bugs.

We Are Specialist In Bed Bugs Control.

CONTROLBed bugs are parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood.There are several methods to control bed bugs.

Physical methods of controlling bedbugs include steam cleaning, vacuuming, heating, freezing, washing, and throwing out items.natural products found at most stores. Bed bugs prefer to hide in cracks and crevices during the daytime and come out to feed on the host’s blood at night, usually while the host is sleeping.non-chemical methods of killing bed bugs. The pest control operator will usually give you specific instructions to prepare for an inspection or treatment.

The ClearZone Man can come periodically to monitor your premises and help prevent an infestation with BED BUGS.


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