Red Ant

Red Ant
Latin Name:Crematogaster
Length:2.6 to 3.2 mm long
Color:Variable in color from light red to brown or black
Digestive Tract:Yes

How to get rid of this?.To get rid of pest problem under control, inspection is the first and foremost step.

Red ants (Crematogaster spp.) get their name from their habit of acrobatically raising their abdomen above their head, especially when they are disturbed. When viewed from above, the abdomen is heart-shaped. There are several species of acrobat ants in the United States. Acrobat ants are small; most species are less than 5.4 mm in length. Many emit an unpleasant odor when disturbed.

Outdoors, red ants nest near moisture such as under stones, in stumps, in rotting logs and under woodpiles. When they invade homes, red ants often nest in damp areas such as in foam sheathing behind siding, and they even have been found nesting in roofing near a leaking skylight.
Red ants often nest in wood that termites or carpenter ants have damaged. It is common for red ants to clean out the galleries that other insects have made in the wood. They push the dirt or wood scraps out of the galleries. Sometimes homeowners find this debris and think there is an active termite infestation.
Red ants normally eat insects and honeydew, a sugary waste excreted by sap-feeding insects like aphids. Red ants protect the aphids that produce the honeydew. If red ants come into a home, they usually prefer sweets and meat.

CONTROLAnts are very tiny insects that live in colonies. We can get rid of ants by so many different ways.

Our team uses all available methods to prevent pest in a given environment without causing any harm to humans and environment. Treatment plans should include spraying a repellent spray can give us best result.
This kind of ants are known to be one of the most difficult insects to remove from the house. If you find ants in your house, you have to react fast and efficient and get rid of them as soon as possible because they are so dangerous.

The ClearZone Man can come periodically to monitor your premises and help prevent an infestation with RED ANTS.


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